This whole business of publishing an issue every week is a learning experience, as with most new things in life. From choosing a topic that matters and writing about it, to searching for dope content then curating it; this newsletter has kept me on my toes and I love it. On the other hand, it sucks to say i’ll be stepping back from publishing for at least a few weeks, in order to prep for a different format and possibly an entirely different publication. A large part of my stepping back is due to my personal life( workload to be specific), as it’s been changing rapidly to the point where I found myself having less and less energy for this over the past couple months. That was a huge red flag that something needed to change. It wasn’t necessarily the act of publishing a weekly newsletter that wore on me, but more of how I was going about it that needed to be reassessed. I felt shitty, borderline guilty for not keeping up with what I’ve started especially so soon in the game but it’s for the best. Besides, to know where we’re headed sometimes we need to go back to where we began.
Thank you for reading and I hope to bless your inbox with gold in the near future.
Until then enjoy issue 010 and take care :)
Greta. A strong voice in a room full of empty speech
The Light Phone II
Looks lit but forreal, i’m not sure how I’d do with no emojis☹️💔
Our world our space
Photography by Stefano Gardel
Cyberpunk Dystopia Katakana. Beautiful
Neon Future
La Fine Equipe & Fakear - 5th Season
Sound of the week
Social gems💎
If another country came in here, blew up our mountains and poisoned our water, we’d go to war.
But industry can. - Paula Jean Swearengin
Thank you for reading this weeks ISSUE! The only way this letter grows is by having thoughtful readers like you, share it with friends, fam, and random people you’d buy a coffee for.
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